Best Way To Lose Weight Men : Have A Spare Tire Around Your Waist - if you are carrying a few extra pounds around your midsection, you are not aloneany people tend to gain weight in their stomach, and this can be caused by a couple different factorshe main contributing factors of stomach fat are stress, poor eating habits and exercising habitshe good newsou can get rid of itith programs such as Strip That Fat, you can learn safe and healthy ways to lose that extra belly weighto why does stomach decide to make its residence in the unfavorable stomach area? * Stress - When you are stressed, your body releases something called "cortisol", and cortisol tells your liver to then release excess sugar your body doesn't need, producing you believe hungry, usually causing you to then over-eat or fill up on the wrong sort of foodsfter a short time, you will start to gain weight, and the reason most of it pops up on your stomach area is considering that your belly has more cortisol receptors in it than anywhere else on your body. * ... [Read More - Best Way To Lose Weight Men]
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