Just When you think the sports world has produced quite possible bizarre trade imaginable, they still Manage to top themselves .. broadcaster for a rabbitnd a cartoon rabbit, at thathen baseball journeyman Harry Chiti got dealt to the New York Mets for a player to be named later, little did he know that player would be himhe Chicago Cubs could spare a backup catcher during the early season, and apparently, the Mets saw enough of Chiti afterwardo, when they later gave a list of players from which to choose in order to complete the deal, Chiti's name was thereerhaps their alternative said something about the other players, but there can be no doubt that the Cubs got equal value in returnt least that transaction was a player-only deal, albeit only one playerransactions involving no players have had various impacts on the teams involvedn obvious example was a swap between the Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indiansn mid-season, they Managed to trade Managersimmy Dykes ... [Read More - Zyzz Get Ripped Or Die]

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